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Can everyone sing?

June 6, 2014

This is the most frequent question I’m asked when I say that I’m a voice teacher. I deduce two things from this: either there is a greater interest than I imagine for improving the singing voice in general or a lot of people have been told they shouldn’t sing because it’s a lost cause for them.

Who hasn’t sung in their cars with the windows all rolled up so nobody can hear or sung in the shower when no one else is home? Unless there is a severe issue with the vocal apparel, anyone can sing and have a pleasant sound. You just need some training, practice and will.

Singing is the voice of the soul. Working on your voice is also a way to work on yourself. It is the only musical instrument that we are all born with and it is linked closely to our physiology and to our mood. So learning how to sing is also learning to know and to listen to oneself.

As a voice teacher and coach, it is my privilege to accompany my students in this self-discovery or simply to prevent you for saying that you sound like a crow.

Photo credit : ©iStock.com/innovatedcaptures

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